
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Eclipse undelete option

Thanks god eclipse has its own undelete option !!!

I had a strange bug in eclipse : when creating sources folder or a new class while another folder is selected, the new folder is created on root of classpath…
Anyway, i deleted the wrong folder class that was created and all the tree containing this folder was erased !!!! ….. :(
A quick look in the trashcan, nothing…. Eclipse does not put deleted files in the system trashcan, my blood goes off my body…. one day of coding lost because of this small bug….
So i started to test several undelete softwares. 3 hours later of scanning, my old photos or zip files came up, but no as files…
While i was starting crying my dear as code, i tried a last google search « Eclipse undelete », and here is the awaiting miracle !!! There is an option available in Eclipse !! select a folder and right mouse menu select : « Restore from Local History«
Then appear the deleted files history and you can choose which file to restore.
My coding day is restored too :)

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